All about Audiobooks

Audiobooks vs Reading Print or Ebooks (background image showing hands on a desk holding white headphones and a blue hardcover book)

Audiobooks vs Reading Print/Ebooks: Which is better for you in 2024?

Many smart people have tried to compare audiobooks vs reading print or ebooks. And yet, people still wonder: Are audiobooks as good as reading print or ebooks for your brain? Are they even “real reading”? Let’s take a look at recent research on audiobooks vs reading ebooks or print books to learn more about the

Audiobooks vs Reading Print/Ebooks: Which is better for you in 2024? Read More »

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How to write an Audible Review in 3 Minutes

How to Write a Helpful Audible Review in 3 Minutes

Writing an Audible review for books you listened to can be extremely helpful for other audiobook listeners! Reviews are invaluable when we’re trying to decide whether something is worth buying or not. That’s why it’s so great for other readers and for authors when you leave a short audiobook review as often as possible. Writing

How to Write a Helpful Audible Review in 3 Minutes Read More »

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